1. Paulus, a servant of Elohim, though sent by Yeshua the Messiah according to [his] faithfulness [as] YHWH’s chosen, and [through] the [firsthand] knowledge of the truth—[the kind] that is in alignment with reverence,

Reverence: piety, devotion, an inward veneration and homage offered from the heart in response to what YHWH has done for us.

2. based on the hope of eternal life which Elohim, who cannot lie, promised before time immemorial,

Immemorial: or, eternal, but here, since before the beginning of the present age.

3. but He has revealed His logic in proper seasons through the proclamation with which I have been entrusted, according to the [fitting] decree of Elohim, our Savior,

Our Savior: though He used Yeshua as His means (v. 4), He Himself is ultimately the only Savior, (Yeshayahu/Isa. 45:21; 49:26; 60:16; 63:8; Yirmeyahu 14:8; Hoshea 13:4)

4. to Titus, my genuine child according to [our] shared faith: [may you receive] empowering favor and total well-being from Elohim our Father and the anointed Yeshua, our savior.

Savior: the executive of YHWH’s salvation. (v. 3)

5. On account of this I left you behind in Crete, so that you might straighten out the things that are still needed and designate elders in every city, as I had given you orders:

6. If anyone is irreproachable, the husband of one wife, having believing children not accused of wastefulness or insubordination.

Wastefulness: or debauchery, profligacy, dissipation. Insubordination: unruliness, being unsubdued.

7 For an overseer must be blameless, as manager of Elohim’s household, not self-serving, not easily angered, not given to wine, no brawler, not greedy for sordid gain,

8 but a hospitable to outsiders, a lover of what is good, self-controller, equitable, devout, [and] disciplined,

Devout: or pious, reverent, sanctioned by a higher law and thus deserving of respect.

9 Adhering to the faithful word as he has been taught, that he may be able by sound teaching both to exhort and to expose those who contradict,

10 because there are indeed many insubordinate and empty talkers and self-deceived, especially those from among the circumcision,

Circumcision: broadly, Jews, but more specifically a party that was following Paulus around Asia Minor telling people they could not be part of YHWH’s community until they were circumcised, and this was actually a shorthand for keeping not only Torah but the rabbinical customs. The book of Galatians addresses this at great length. Paulus considered them often guilty of going off on unprofitable tangents (v. 14) which were especially confusing to those who were “returning to Elohim from among the Gentiles”. (Acts 15:19)

11. whose mouths it is necessary to silence—whoever upsets whole households, teaching things that they ought not for the sake of shameful advantage.

Silence: literally, cover or muzzle. Advantage: or gain, profit.

12. One from among them—one of their own, a prophet—said, “Cretans are constant liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.”

Lazy: literally, useless, unprofitable. 

13. This firsthand representation is accurate. For this reason, strongly rebuke them, in order that they may be sound in belief,

Sound: literally, heathy.

14. not paying attention to Jewish fables and human commandments, turning away from the truth.

Jewish fables: some of the Midrash (though much of it is based on early reliable writings), much of the mysticism, and any rabbinic tradition that contradicts the actual Torah. In this case, the myths appear to have been elaborations on the purity laws which got off onto exaggerated “rabbit trails”:

15. All things are pure to those [who are] pure, but to those who are becoming corrupt and unbelieving, nothing is pure. Instead, it is both their own mind and conscience that are being defiled.

Pure: or clean. Before the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil began this mental destruction, we could see everything as useful I its proper place, but once we began seeing abuse, it was easy to consider the things that were being abused to be the source of the evil (compare 1 Corinthians 8:7-12) and we thought it wise to counsel others to avoid them rather than seeking to have righteous motives. Through Messiah, it is again possible to regain the “single eye” that can see things objectively, in a healthy way, and learn to again use things properly, having our minds renewed (Romans 12:2) by the Messiah’s own thought-process (1 Cor. 2:16) and have our consciences cleansed. (Heb. 9:14; 10:22) Rejecting Messiah, however, precludes the healing that is possible only by being transferred to the Second Adam’s “generic” line, no matter how “frum” or religious one may be.

16. They acknowledge an appreciation of Elohim, but in practice they disavow Him, being detestable and unpersuadable, being unfit to accomplish anything beneficial. 

Disavow: not denying Him outright, but acting as if He does not exist or does not matter or make any practical difference, so they think they must come up with their own solutions to their problems or think they can make their own rules and create a salvation of their own from a theoretical “straw man” problem, which is not really useful for anyone else.


​1. You, however, speak [of] the things that are consistent with sound teaching:

2. Elders are to be serious-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in belief, in love, and in constancy.

Constancy: “cheerful endurance”. (Thayer)

3. The elderly women, likewise, [are to be] reverent in deportment, not slanderers, not enslaved to much wine, teachers of what is honorable, 

Reverent in deportment: with demeanor and behavior suitable to a sacred character. Slanderers: from the same word as “devils”—those who ether make false accusations or tell the truth with a design to bring down someone else’s reputation for one’s own advancement—exactly as the devil did and does.

4. so that they may with moderation train the younger women to love their husbands, love [their] children,

5. sensible, modest, domestically-inclined, good-natured, subordinate to their own husbands, so that the word of Elohim may not be vilified.

Domestically-inclined: content to make a comfortable home rather than being busybodies, always out-and-about. Subordinate: or obedient, submissive. Vilified: maligned, spoken evil of. We must restrict our own preferences for the sake of the reputation of the One whom we represent.

6. Likewise, exhort the younger men to be self-controlled.

In that social context, apparently this in itself was sufficient challenge to keep them occupied.

7. In regard to all things, present yourself as a pattern of good works in teaching, integrity, dignity.

Present: hold yourself out, put yourself on display, step forward, offer yourself. Integrity: literally, incorruptibility, i.e., “lacking the very capacity to decay or constitutionally break down.” That is, do not even offer anyone an occasion to think they could bribe or seduce you into any form of corruption. Dignity: gravity ("gravitas"), aware of and attuned to what has real weight (value); “hence, veneration for what is worthy of respect (personal admiration), what deserves due reverence, august (time-honored), solemnly respectable." (Thayer)

8. wholesome speech, not offering any just occasion for rebuke, so that one who is from an antagonistic [position] may be confounded, not having anything bad to say about us. 

9. Servants must be subject to their own masters, to be well-pleasing in everything, and not voicing hostile opposition,

Well-pleasing: because their work is always acceptable. Hostile opposition: contrary, disputing in order to thwart. (Thayer)

10. not pilfering, but [openly] evidencing undeniably good trustworthiness, so that in everything they may make the teaching of our Savior, Elohim, appealing.

Pilfering: appropriating or holding back something of his master’s for his own benefit. Make…appealing: We are all (even if slaves) exhibits to the world of what YHWH can do with one He has caused to be “reborn from above”, and even if contrary behavior may not condemn us, it would not commend the One we represent in their eyes, causing them to reject the occasion to themselves be transformed.  

11. For the empowering favor of Elohim has been made to shine forth, bringing deliverance to all of humanity,

12. instructing us that, having disavowed the irreverence and inordinate passions of the worldly order, we should live moderately, equitably, and showing appropriate respect in the present age,

13. eagerly awaiting [that which we] joyfully expect: that is, the overt manifestation of the highest Elohim’s honor and of our deliverer, Messiah Yeshua,

14. who gave himself on our behalf, in order that he might ransom us out of every [kind] of lawlessness, and might purify for himself a specially-chosen people [who are] zealous [for] good works.

15. Speak forth and encourage these things, and rebuke with complete authoritativeness; don’t let anyone look down on you.

Rebuke: includes the steps of exposing, admonishing, and disciplining. Look down on: or despise, disregard because they have literally “thought up a way to get around you”. Be circumspect yourself and anticipate their moves, beating them to it so you are ready with a response that will shut them down.


1. Remind them to be obedient to rulers, subject to authorities, to be prepared for every good undertaking,

2. to speak abusively about no one, to be peaceable, gentle, demonstrating humility toward all human beings.

3. For in former times we ourselves were also thoughtless, unwilling to be persuaded, led astray, serving various lusts and sensual pleasures, passing our time in malice and envy, hateful, detesting one another.

Hateful: or abominable.

4. However, when the kindness and benevolence of Elohim, our Savior, became manifest,

Benevolence: or love of humanity; Gk., philanthropia.

5. not coming from works that we had done in righteousness, but rather according to His mercy, He rescued us through the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the spirit of holiness,

Regeneration: being created or born again. Renewing: completing the process of making a fresh, new development. YHWH says, “Behold, I make all things new.” (Rev. 21:5) But even now He is in the business of remaking us from the inside outward.

6. which our Deliverer poured out onto us abundantly through Yeshua the Messiah,

7. so that, being rendered just through that empowering favor, we should become heirs in accordance with the hope of eternal life.

8. The saying is trustworthy, and concerning these things I want you to make an emphatic affirmation, so that those who trust in Elohim may be especially careful to have an exemplary “track record” of practicing good works. These things are honorable and beneficial to humanity.

Careful: investing great thought, "acting out one's inner, visceral opinion", continuously connecting insight (enlightened inner perspective) to the necessary outward behavior. (Thayer) Good works: such things whose value is obvious to everyone, so that no one will think our hope for the afterlife is impractical at the present time.

9. Avoid absurd controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the Torah, because they are neither helpful nor productive.

Arguments, etc.: “rabbit trails” and tangents moving away from the core purpose of the Torah.

10. Decline [to dialogue with] a schismatic person after one admonition—and a second,

Admonition: a mild rebuke, a warning accompanied by teaching so as to change the course of one’s thought process in a positive way. If this gesture is refused, decline (refuse, excuse oneself, beg off from being a sounding-board for their agenda), again to discourage hem from spreading their heresy and avoid wasting your own time.

11. knowing that this type [of person] is growing more and more corrupt and is missing the point, having brought himself under judgment.

Missing the point: of the Torah. (v. 9)  

12. When I send Artemas or Tükhikos to you, be diligent to come to me in Nikopolis; I have decided to spend the winter there.

Nikopolis: a city on the coast of Makedonia, where he apparently went from Korinthos and met Titus there before, according to Acts 29 and his plans as stated in Romans 15:24, 28, going on to Spain and possibly Britain before he was arrested and taken to Rome, where he was martyred.

13. Be sure to outfit Zeynas the lawyer and Apollos [for the journey] so that they will be lacking nothing.

Lawyer: or expert in the Torah. Outfit: both provide them with provisions and accompany or escort them.

14. But also let our own people learn to be models of good works [by contributing] to [their] essential needs, so that they will not be unfruitful.

15. All those who are with me [send] you their greetings. Greet those who are our friends in faith. May the empowering favor be with you all. Amen.

The empowering favor: with the common following phrase “of our Elohim” or “of our Master, Yeshua the Messiah” being implied by the definite article.
INTRODUCTION:    This is not the Titus who sacked Yerushalayim, but either it was already a popular name or his parents may have admired this Roman leader prior to this act for which he is now most famous.  This Titus was a very close companion of Paulus, who had even foregone an open door for ministry at Troas (in Asia Minor, modern-day Turkey) in order to cross to Makedonia (then part of Greece) because he could not find Titus when he arrived there. (2 Cor. 2:13) He was later encouraged by Titus’ arrival with news from Korinthos (2 Cor. 7), who had been caring for that congregation in his absence. (2 Cor. 8) They apparently traveled back eastward together and he left Titus in Crete (pictured above) to take care of some unfinished business there (1:5) when he returned to Korinthos, and he is writing this letter to provide him with further instruction in that regard.
Chapter 1            Chapter 2

                Chapter 3